Acts of Love (AOL) is a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) that was born in 2009 out of the "Care" arm of Acts Christian Church to make a difference in our local community. Our aim is to fulfil our vision which is aptly captured in our mission statement “Changing the world…one person at a time through acts of love”.
Through our outreach events we are responding to God’s call to care for those in need regardless of race or creed. We aim to not only show compassion and love to hurting people in a time of great distress, but to bring physical support and hope in their hour of greatest need.
Each project that forms part of our calendar year has been carefully chosen to bring joy, hope and love to our community. At the very heart of our organisation is the desire to meet the needs of orphan children and the elderly and as a result Acts of Love holds several ongoing initiatives during the course of the year that benefit these underprivileged individuals. We also believe that education is the key to a bright future and through our Educare initiative we provide tuition to underprivileged children on a weekly basis.
We have a strong focus on meeting the basic needs of those less fortunate in our society which is evident in our Soup Kitchen & Grocery Hamper projects that we have running on an ongoing basis throughout the year.
We have one outreach event per month that varies and these events aim to meet additional needs such as provision of blankets during winter, basic health care in impoverished areas, career guidance & Christmas shoebox gifts.

Acts of Love is spearheaded by husband and wife, Pastors Collin & Cindy Naidoo. They have a heart for making a difference in the lives of the less fortunate and are passionate about everything they put their hands to. They lead with love, respect & integrity. They serve under the leadership of Acts Christian Church.
Collin is also a member of the Acts of Love board which is responsible for making executive decisions and ensuring financial accountability.
Our core organising team consists of committed, dynamic and passionate individuals from all walks of life. What we have in common is the desire to serve the underprivileged in our community by meeting their basic needs and showing them love so that they have hope for the future. We welcome public participation at all of our outreach events - come as a family, bring your friends, your cell group or your work colleagues as part of your corporate social investment. It's a wonderful opportunity to meet the people that are so greatly impacted by your generous giving!