Pastor Cindy Naidoo
Jul 22, 2020
How to navigate through the Covid Crisis... Turn your GPS on!
During this dark season we may be facing extreme difficulty, uncertainty, anxiety and fear but friend I want to remind you today that we...

Janine Suthiram
Aug 2, 2016
Voices in the storm
God is truly in control of the tiniest details of our lives & the best part is that He continually equips us to face every season of our...

Janine Suthiram
Jul 6, 2016
A winning formula...
A few weeks ago I had a death in my family - it was so unexpected and left us all reeling. Death has an uncanny way of reminding you of...

Janine Suthiram
Jun 16, 2016
Digital cocaine and the fire at the Jesus Dome!
Two Sunday's ago we had Brad Huddleston as the guest speaker at Acts Christian Church. His message was mind blowing to say the least. I...