22 February, Be His Hands Hospital Outreach
Praying for the sick & spending time with patients sharing the love and joy of Christ
14 March, The Golden Years Elderly & Special Needs Outreach
Spending time, loving and pampering the elderly and those with special needs in our community
09 May, Medical Clinic
Caring for the medical needs of under serviced communities through the provision of a pop up clinic
20 June, Warm Up Winter & Street Closet
Distribution of winter packs to the homeless. Praying & spending time with those living on the street or in shelters
11 July, Mandela Day
Renovating or upgrading a community facility
12 September, Matric P.U.S.H. and Fit4Employ Launch
Praying and encouring Matric students before exams. Motivational talk on careers and life choices. Preparation for higher education and job applications.
10 October, Get your fight on Battle Box
Distribution of chemo care kits to cancer patients in state hospitals
5 December, Packed with Love Outreach
Distribution of Christmas gifts, hampers and Back to School packs. Collection and distribution of school shoes (new and second hand) through our Be A Shoe Buddy Project